is coming along faster than I had thought it would. I am knitting it in one piece from the hem to the underarm, where it splits into front left, front right, and back pieces. I just split it at the underarm, and I have knit an inch or so on the back piece above the split for the armhole. And, yes, I already have several things lined up in my mind: I'm curious to try my hand at dollmaking, mostly inspired by the little nudist and by Howl (besides having a new little person to clothe in hand knits), there's a sweater I started in July (July!) and have been meaning to rip and re-knit, I've wanted to knit a shrug to wear over short-sleeved shirts in cold weather (the lace is pretty but impractical. The obvious stipulation here is that I finish it while the weather is still cold, though I suppose it would still be nice on a cool summer's evening), and there's this gorgeous cashmere blend from a failed attempt at a shawl (unfortunately, the only problem was that I ran out of yarn and it's discontinued) that's been waiting to be reborn as a shell. Whew! And, oh yes, there are classes, papers, reading, and tests to consider. There just aren't enough hours in the day...
Quote of the day: "Let your mind go and your heart will follow."
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