Wednesday, July 04, 2007


Did I say strapless, lacy and fitted? Lelah, that difficult little minx, does not fit. Well, did not. I got caught up in a sudden desire to rip and re-knit her, so now she's a lot of lace and a mess of Top Ramen-looking yarn. The lace blocked beautifully, and my math with the bust darts actually worked out quite well. But the back of the stockinette portion sagged and bagged away from my body. I did no shaping in the back, thinking that it was really my boobs that would require shaping (and I did a lot at the boobs) and I suspect my mistake was not blocking my gauge swatch (I know, I know).

I mentioned a new birthday present to myself, and the knitting went without a hitch, really. It was a lot like a flash in the pan, and the only thing that's kept me from posting about it is that I doubled the amount of waist shaping because I felt the first version fits too loosely in that area. But now, the sweater tap dances that line between too tight and well-fitted, and I thought a good blocking would answer the question to my liking. And, surprise of surprises, I have not had the patience (or, let's face it, the time) to block it.

Quote of the Day: (It's a poem today.)
and I have become
like two giant fat people living
in a tiny
keep bumping into
each other
laughing." -Hafiz